import { renderWords, renderWord } from "./render/words"; import { wordExists, addMessage, getNextId, hasToken, getHomonymnIndexes } from "./utilities"; import removeDiacritics from "./StackOverflow/removeDiacritics"; import { removeTags, getTimestampInSeconds } from "../helpers"; import { saveDictionary } from "./dictionaryManagement"; import { setupWordOptionButtons, setupWordOptionSelections } from "./setupListeners/words"; import { wordMatchesSearch } from "./search"; export function validateWord(word, wordId = false) { const errorElementId = wordId === false ? 'wordErrorMessage' : 'wordErrorMessage_' + wordId, errorElement = document.getElementById(errorElementId); let errorMessage = ''; if ( === '') { errorMessage += '
Word field must not be blank.
'; } if (word.definition === '' && word.details === '') { errorMessage += 'You must enter Definition or Details.
'; } const { allowDuplicates, caseSensitive } = window.currentDictionary.settings; if (!allowDuplicates) { const foundDuplicate = wordExists(, true); if (foundDuplicate !== false) { if (wordId !== false && foundDuplicate !== wordId) { errorMessage += `"${}" already exists, and "Prevent Duplicate Words" is turned on.${!caseSensitive ? ' (Case sensitivity is turned off)' : ''}
`; } } } errorElement.innerHTML = errorMessage; return errorMessage === ''; } export function sortWords(render) { const { sortByDefinition } = window.currentDictionary.settings; const { alphabeticalOrder } = window.currentDictionary; const sortBy = sortByDefinition ? 'definition' : 'name'; window.currentDictionary.words.sort((wordA, wordB) => { // Sort normally first return wordA[sortBy].localeCompare(wordB[sortBy], 'en', { sensitivity: 'base' }); // This is the smart way to do the below! // if (removeDiacritics(wordA[sortBy]).toLowerCase() === removeDiacritics(wordB[sortBy]).toLowerCase()) return 0; // return removeDiacritics(wordA[sortBy]).toLowerCase() > removeDiacritics(wordB[sortBy]).toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1; }); if (alphabeticalOrder.length > 0) { // If there's an alphabetical order specified, sort by that after! Any letters not in the alphabet will be unsorted, keeping them in ASCII order const ordering = {}; // map for efficient lookup of sortIndex for (let i = 0; i < alphabeticalOrder.length; i++) { ordering[alphabeticalOrder[i]] = i + 1; // Add 1 to prevent 0 from resolving to false } window.currentDictionary.words.sort((wordA, wordB) => { // console.log(alphabeticalOrder, ordering); // console.log('comparing:', wordA[sortBy], wordB[sortBy]); if (wordA[sortBy] === wordB[sortBy]) return 0; const aLetters = wordA[sortBy].split(''); const bLetters = wordB[sortBy].split(''); for (let i = 0; i < aLetters.length; i++) { const a = aLetters[i]; const b = bLetters[i]; // console.log('comparing letters', a, b); if (!b) { // console.log('no b, ', wordA[sortBy], 'is longer than', wordB[sortBy]); return 1; } if (!ordering[a] && !ordering[b]) { // console.log('a and b not in dictionary:', a, b, 'continuing to the next letter'); continue; } if (!ordering[a]) { // console.log('a is not in dictionary:', a, 'moving back:', wordA[sortBy]); return 1; } if (!ordering[b]) { // console.log('b is not in dictionary:', b, 'moving forward:', wordA[sortBy]); return -1; } if (ordering[a] === ordering[b]) { // console.log('letters are the same order:', a, b); if (aLetters.length < bLetters.length && i === aLetters.length - 1) { // console.log(a, 'is shorter than', b); return -1; } // console.log(a, 'is the same as', b, 'continuing to the next letter'); continue; } // console.log('comparing order:', a, b, 'result:', ordering[a] - ordering[b]); return ordering[a] - ordering[b]; } // console.log('all of the letters were dumb, no sort'); return 0; }); } saveDictionary(false); if (render) { renderWords(); } } export function translateOrthography(word) { window.currentDictionary.details.orthography.translations.forEach(translation => { translation = translation.split('=').map(value => value.trim()); if (translation.length > 1 && translation[0] !== '' && translation[1] !== '') { word = word.replace(new RegExp(translation[0], 'g'), translation[1]); } }); return word; } export function parseReferences(detailsMarkdown) { const references = detailsMarkdown.match(/\{\{.+?\}\}/g); if (references && Array.isArray(references)) { new Set(references).forEach(reference => { const wordMarkdownLink = getWordReferenceMarkdown(reference); if (wordMarkdownLink !== reference) { detailsMarkdown = detailsMarkdown.replace(new RegExp(reference, 'g'), wordMarkdownLink); } }); } return detailsMarkdown; } export function getWordReferenceMarkdown(reference) { let wordToFind = reference.replace(/\{\{|\}\}/g, ''); let homonymn = 0; if (wordToFind.includes(':')) { const separator = wordToFind.indexOf(':'); homonymn = wordToFind.substr(separator + 1); wordToFind = wordToFind.substring(0, separator); if (homonymn && homonymn.trim() && !isNaN(parseInt(homonymn.trim())) && parseInt(homonymn.trim()) > 0) { homonymn = parseInt(homonymn.trim()); } else { homonymn = false; } } let existingWordId = false; const homonymnIndexes = getHomonymnIndexes({ name: wordToFind, wordId: -1 }); if (homonymn !== false && homonymn > 0) { if (typeof homonymnIndexes[homonymn - 1] !== 'undefined') { existingWordId = window.currentDictionary.words[homonymnIndexes[homonymn - 1]].wordId; } } else if (homonymn !== false) { existingWordId = wordExists(wordToFind, true); } if (existingWordId !== false) { if (homonymn < 1 && homonymnIndexes.length > 0) { homonymn = 1; } const homonymnSubHTML = homonymnIndexes.length > 1 && homonymn - 1 >= 0 ? '' + homonymn.toString() + '' : ''; return `[${translateOrthography(wordToFind)}${homonymnSubHTML}](#${existingWordId})`; } return reference; } export function expandAdvancedForm(id = false) { const wordId = typeof !== 'undefined' ?'expandAdvancedForm', '') : id; const button = typeof !== 'undefined' ? this : document.getElementById('expandAdvancedForm' + (!wordId ? '' : wordId)), form = document.getElementById('advancedForm' + (!wordId ? '' : wordId)); if ( !== 'block') { button.innerText = 'Hide Advanced Fields'; = 'block'; } else { button.innerText = 'Show Advanced Fields'; = 'none'; } } export function submitWordForm() { const name = document.getElementById('wordName').value, pronunciation = document.getElementById('wordPronunciation').value, partOfSpeech = document.getElementById('wordPartOfSpeech').value, definition = document.getElementById('wordDefinition').value, details = document.getElementById('wordDetails').value, etymology = document.getElementById('wordEtymology').value, related = document.getElementById('wordRelated').value, principalParts = document.getElementById('wordPrincipalParts').value; const word = { name: removeTags(name).trim(), pronunciation: removeTags(pronunciation).trim(), partOfSpeech: removeTags(partOfSpeech).trim(), definition: removeTags(definition).trim(), details: removeTags(details).trim(), wordId: getNextId(), }; if (removeTags(etymology).trim() !== '') { word.etymology = removeTags(etymology).split(',').map(w => w.trim()).filter(w => w.length > 0); } if (removeTags(related).trim() !== '') { word.related = removeTags(related).split(',').map(w => w.trim()).filter(w => w.length > 0); } if (removeTags(principalParts).trim() !== '') { word.principalParts = removeTags(principalParts).split(',').map(w => w.trim()).filter(w => w.length > 0); } if (validateWord(word)) { addWord(word); sortWords(true); if (hasToken()) { import('./account/index.js').then(account => { account.uploadWord(word); }); } clearWordForm(); } } export function clearWordForm() { document.getElementById('wordName').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordPronunciation').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordPartOfSpeech').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordDefinition').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordDetails').value = ''; document.getElementById('templateSelect').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordEtymology').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordRelated').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordPrincipalParts').value = ''; document.getElementById('wordName').focus(); } export function addWord(word, message = true) { const timestamp = getTimestampInSeconds(); word.lastUpdated = timestamp; word.createdOn = timestamp; window.currentDictionary.words.push(word); if (message) { addMessage(`${} Created Successfully`, 30000); } return word; } export function deleteWord(wordId) { const wordIndex = window.currentDictionary.words.findIndex(word => word.wordId === wordId); if (wordIndex < 0) { console.error('Could not find word to delete'); addMessage('Could not find word to delete. Please refresh your browser and try again.', 10000, 'error'); } else { window.currentDictionary.words.splice(wordIndex, 1); addMessage('Word Deleted Successfully'); sortWords(true); if (hasToken()) { import('./account/index.js').then(account => { account.deleteWord(wordId); }); } } } export function updateWord(word, wordId) { const wordIndex = window.currentDictionary.words.findIndex(word => word.wordId === wordId); if (wordIndex < 0) { console.error('Could not find word to update'); addMessage('Could not find word to update. Please refresh your browser and try again.', 10000, 'error'); } else { const isPublic = hasToken() && window.currentDictionary.settings.isPublic; const { sortByDefinition } = window.currentDictionary.settings; const existingWord = window.currentDictionary.words[wordIndex]; const needsReRender = (sortByDefinition && word.definition !== existingWord.definition) || (!sortByDefinition && !==; word.lastUpdated = getTimestampInSeconds(); word.createdOn = existingWord.createdOn; window.currentDictionary.words[wordIndex] = word; addMessage('Word Updated Successfully'); if (needsReRender) { sortWords(true); } else { saveDictionary(false); const entry = document.getElementById(wordId.toString()); if (!wordMatchesSearch(word)) { entry.parentElement.removeChild(entry); } else { console.log('matches search, updating in place'); document.getElementById(wordId.toString()).outerHTML = renderWord(window.currentDictionary.words[wordIndex], isPublic); setupWordOptionButtons(); setupWordOptionSelections(); } } if (hasToken()) { import('./account/index.js').then(account => { account.uploadWord(word); }); } } } export function confirmEditWord(id) { const wordId = typeof !== 'undefined' ? parseInt('editWordButton_', '')) : id; const name = document.getElementById('wordName_' + wordId).value, pronunciation = document.getElementById('wordPronunciation_' + wordId).value, partOfSpeech = document.getElementById('wordPartOfSpeech_' + wordId).value, definition = document.getElementById('wordDefinition_' + wordId).value, details = document.getElementById('wordDetails_' + wordId).value, etymology = document.getElementById('wordEtymology_' + wordId).value, related = document.getElementById('wordRelated_' + wordId).value, principalParts = document.getElementById('wordPrincipalParts_' + wordId).value; const word = { name: removeTags(name).trim(), pronunciation: removeTags(pronunciation).trim(), partOfSpeech: removeTags(partOfSpeech).trim(), definition: removeTags(definition).trim(), details: removeTags(details).trim(), wordId, }; if (removeTags(etymology).trim() !== '') { word.etymology = removeTags(etymology).split(',').map(w => w.trim()).filter(w => w.length > 0); } if (removeTags(related).trim() !== '') { word.related = removeTags(related).split(',').map(w => w.trim()).filter(w => w.length > 0); } if (removeTags(principalParts).trim() !== '') { word.principalParts = removeTags(principalParts).split(',').map(w => w.trim()).filter(w => w.length > 0); } if (validateWord(word, wordId)) { if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to save changes to "${}"?`)) { document.getElementById('editForm_' + wordId).classList.add('done'); updateWord(word, wordId); } } } export function cancelEditWord() { const wordId = parseInt('editForm_', '')); if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to cancel?\n(Any changes will be lost!)`)) { document.getElementById('editForm_' + wordId).classList.add('done'); renderWords(); } } export function confirmDeleteWord(wordId) { wordId = typeof === 'undefined' ? wordId : parseInt('delete_', '')); const word = window.currentDictionary.words.find(w => w.wordId === wordId); if (!word) { console.error('Something went wrong! Couldn\'t find word with id of ' + wordId); addMessage('Could not find word to delete. Please refresh your browser and try again.', 10000, 'error'); } else { if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to delete "${}"?`)) { if (confirm(`Just to double-check:\nDo you really want to delete "${}"?\n\nYou won't be able to undo it!`)) { deleteWord(wordId); } } } } export function getOpenEditForms() { const openEditForms = document.getElementsByClassName('edit-form'); const formsToReopen = []; Array.from(openEditForms).forEach(form => { if (!form.classList.contains('done')) { formsToReopen.push(parseInt('editForm_', ''))); } }); return formsToReopen; }