db = new Db(); $this->token = new Token(); $this->dictionary = new Dictionary(); } public function logIn ($email, $password) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=:email'; $user = $this->db->query($query, array(':email' => $email))->fetch(); if ($user) { if ($user['old_password'] !== null) { if ($user['old_password'] === crypt($password, $email)) { if ($this->upgradePassword($password)) { return $this->logIn($email, $password); } } } else if (password_verify($password, $user['password'])) { $this->db->execute('UPDATE users SET last_login=' . time() . ' WHERE id=' . $user['id']); $token = $this->generateUserToken($user['id'], $user['current_dictionary']); return array( 'token' => $token, 'user' => $this->getUserData($user['id']), ); } } return false; } public function emailExists ($email) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=?'; $user = $this->db->query($query, array($email)); return $user->rowCount() > 0; } public function create ($email, $password, $user_data) { $insert_user_query = 'INSERT INTO users (email, password, public_name, allow_email, created_on) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $password_hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $insert_user = $this->db->execute($insert_user_query, array( $email, $password_hash, $user_data['publicName'] !== '' ? $user_data['publicName'] : null, $user_data['allowEmail'] ? 1 : 0, time(), )); if ($insert_user === true) { $new_user_id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); $new_dictionary = $this->dictionary->create($new_user_id); if (isset($new_dictionary['error'])) { return $new_dictionary; } else { $token = $this->generateUserToken($new_user_id, $new_dictionary); return array( 'token' => $token, 'user' => $this->getUserData($new_user_id), ); } } return array( 'error' => '"INSERT INTO users" failed: ' . $this->db->last_error_info[2], ); } public function setUserData ($token, $user_data) { $token_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($token_data !== false) { $user_id = $token_data->id; $query = 'UPDATE users SET email=?, public_name=?, allow_email=? WHERE id=?'; $properties = array( $user_data['email'], $user_data['publicName'], $user_data['allowEmails'], $user_id, ); $update_success = $this->db->execute($query, $properties); if ($update_success) { return array( 'token' => $token, 'userData' => $user_data, ); } } return false; } public function getUserData ($user_id) { $query = 'SELECT email, public_name, allow_email FROM users WHERE id=?'; $stmt = $this->db->query($query, array($user_id)); $user = $stmt->fetch(); if ($stmt && $user) { return array( 'email' => $user['email'], 'publicName' => $user['public_name'], 'allowEmails' => $user['allow_email'] == 1 ? true : false, ); } return false; } public function createNewDictionary ($token) { $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $id = $user_data->id; $new_dictionary = $this->dictionary->create($id); if (!isset($new_dictionary['error'])) { $new_token = $this->generateUserToken($id, $new_dictionary); return array( 'token' => $new_token, 'dictionary' => $this->getCurrentDictionary($new_token), ); } else { return $new_dictionary; } } return array( 'error' => 'invalid token', ); } public function changeCurrentDictionary ($token, $dictionary_hash) { $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $id = $user_data->id; $dictionary_id = $this->token->unhash($dictionary_hash); if ($dictionary_id !== false) { $changed_dictionary = $this->dictionary->changeCurrent($id, $dictionary_id); if ($changed_dictionary !== false) { return array( 'token' => $this->generateUserToken($id, $changed_dictionary), 'dictionary' => $this->getCurrentDictionary($token), ); } } } return false; } public function listAllDictionaryNames ($token) { $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $id = $user_data->id; return $this->dictionary->getAllNames($id); } return false; } public function getCurrentDictionary ($token) { $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $user = $user_data->id; $dictionary = $user_data->dictionary; return array( 'details' => $this->dictionary->getDetails($user, $dictionary), 'words' => $this->dictionary->getWords($user, $dictionary), 'deletedWords' => $this->dictionary->getDeletedWords($user, $dictionary), ); } return false; } public function saveWholeCurrentDictionary ($token, $dictionary_data) { $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $user = $user_data->id; $dictionary = $user_data->dictionary; $details_updated = $this->dictionary->setDetails($user, $dictionary, $dictionary_data['details']); $words_updated = $this->dictionary->setWords($dictionary, $dictionary_data['words']); if ($details_updated === true && $words_updated === true) { return $this->token->hash($dictionary); } return array( 'error' => ($details_updated !== true ? $details_updated . ' ' : '') . ($words_updated !== true ? $words_updated : ''), ); } return false; } public function updateCurrentDictionaryDetails ($token, $dictionary_details) { $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $user = $user_data->id; $dictionary = $user_data->dictionary; $details_updated = $this->dictionary->setDetails($user, $dictionary, $dictionary_details); if ($details_updated === true) { return true; } return array( 'error' => $details_updated, ); } return false; } public function updateOrAddWordsToCurrentDictionary ($token, $words) { // Useful even for just one word $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $dictionary = $user_data->dictionary; $user = $user_data->id; $updated_words = $this->dictionary->setWords($user, $dictionary, $words); if ($updated_words === true) { return true; } return array( 'error' => $updated_words, ); } return false; } public function deleteWordsFromCurrentDictionary ($token, $word_ids) { // Useful even for just one word $user_data = $this->token->decode($token); if ($user_data !== false) { $dictionary = $user_data->dictionary; $user = $user_data->id; $deleted_word = $this->dictionary->deleteWords($dictionary, $word_ids); if ($deleted_word) { return true; } } return false; } private function generateUserToken ($user_id, $dictionary_id) { $user_data = array( 'id' => intval($user_id), 'isMember' => $this->hasMembership($user_id), 'dictionary' => intval($dictionary_id), ); return $this->token->encode($user_data); } private function hasMembership ($id) { $current_membership = "SELECT * FROM memberships WHERE user=$id AND start_date>=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMPdb->query($current_membership)->rowCount() > 0; } private function upgradePassword ($password) { $new_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $update_query = 'UPDATE users SET old_password=NULL, password=? WHERE id=' . $user['id']; $stmt = $this->db->query($update_query, array($new_password)); return $stmt->rowCount() === 1; } }