export const DEFAULT_DICTIONARY = { name: 'New', specification: 'Dictionary', description: 'A new dictionary.', partsOfSpeech: ['Noun', 'Adjective', 'Verb'], alphabeticalOrder: [], details: { phonology: { consonants: [], vowels: [], blends: [], phonotactics: { onset: [], nucleus: [], coda: [], exceptions: '', }, }, orthography: { notes: '', }, grammar: { notes: '', }, // custom: [ // // { // // name: 'Example Tab', // // content: `This is an _example_ tab to show how **tabs** work with [Markdown](${ MARKDOWN_LINK })!`, // // } // ], }, words: [ /* { name: '', pronunciation: '', partOfSpeech: '', simpleDefinition: '', longDefinition: '', wordId: 0 }, */ ], settings: { allowDuplicates: false, caseSensitive: false, sortByDefinition: false, isComplete: false, isPublic: false, }, lastUpdated: null, createdOn: 0, }; export const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 50;